Here are 10 shocking facts about water:

1. Every day, the world's population drinks about 1.4 billion gallons of water, or about 264 million gallons each minute.

2. The average person drinks around 12,000 gallons of water in a lifetime.

3. You can drink up to six liters of water per day and still not drink enough to stay hydrated if you are not consuming enough electrolytes and nutrients at the same time.

4. Drinking two glasses of water before every meal will help you lose weight because it will fill your stomach and make you feel full faster than if you didn't drink anything before eating a meal; this is because the liquid takes up space in your stomach that would otherwise be taken up by food that is less filling than fluid such as soup or fruit juice or even coffee with milk and sugar!

5. Drinking too much water can also be dangerous for health reasons due to hyponatremia