Top 10 facts about computer science

 1. The first computer was invented in the 1800 by Charles Babbage.

2. The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace, who wrote programs for Babbage's machine.

3. The world’s fastest supercomputer is the Sunway TaihuLight, which can perform 93 quadrillion calculations per second.

4. There are many different types of computer chips, such as CPU and GPU.

5. A CPU is a chip that processes instructions and stores data in memory to run programs .

6. A GPU is a chip that performs mathematical calculations, like those needed for graphics processing in games or movies .

7. Computers use binary code to represent numbers and letters as 1 and 0, called bits or binary digits .

8. Computers can only understand two states: on or off (1 or 0) so they must be told how many times to turn on and off before they can make sense of