- You ready to learn something new? Then let's do it. Here are 50 amazing facts to blow your mind. 

1- In 2012, the street artist, Megx converted an old bridge in Wuppertal, Germany into a giant Lego structure using colored panels to create the illusion of the underside of Lego bricks.

2- In most European countries, including Britain, declawing your cat is illegal. If you're caught declawing a cat in Israel, you can actually be sent to jail for a year and be fined 20 thousand dollars. Scotland, Italy, New Zealand, and over 30 other countries have also followed suit. 

3- In fact, they have matchmaking companies to match up your guineapig if their partner dies, which is part of a sweeping animals' rights legislation that was first introduced in 2008.

4- If you live in Australia, you are 20 times more likely to drown than be bitten by a shark. In fact, to put it into perspective, you're significantly more likely to win the top prize in the lottery than even being involved in a shark accident of any kind. 

 5- According to the World HealthOrganization, there are 360 million people in the world with disabling hearing loss. That's around five percent of the entire world's population. 32 million of them are children between the ages of zero and 14. Luckily things like captions exist just like on this video. 

6- On July 13th, 1955, nightclub owner, Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be executed for murder in Great Britain. She was hanged for killing her boyfriend, and it wasn't until 1965that the death penalty for murder was banned in England, Scotland, and Wales. 

7- A study in the Journal of Current Biology found that those people, who exercise four hours after learning something new, retained the information better two days later than those who exercise immediately or not at all. 

8- The reason that tires are black and not another color is because of the chemical that's added to the tires called Carbon black. It's added to protect tires against ozone and UV damage, and it drastically prolongs the life of any tire, which is why all tire manufacturers use it. 

9- Researchers from the UK'sManchester Metropolitan University found that mice don't really like cheese as much as we think. They much more prefer fruit and grains. The rumor of them liking cheese so much was spread via pop culture and cartoons. 

10- Summer on the planet Uranus lasts 42 years long, followed by 42 years of winter. It's the earth's tilt that gives us our seasons, but Uranus's is significantly more on its side in relation to its poles, hence the length of its seasons.

11- There's a place in Arizona called the boneyard that is the final resting place of about 3,000 military aircraft, some of them up to 60 years old. They literally just sit there and are gradually harvested for spare parts over time. 

12- There's a very rare illness called Kleine-Levin syndrome or Sleeping Beauty syndrome, where those affected sleep for up to 20 hours per day for days, weeks, or even months at a time, only waking to use the washroom or eat. 

13- Flamingos are pink because the algae and crustaceans like shrimp and prawns that they eat contain pigments called carotenoids. Their liver breaks down the carotenoids into pink and orange pigment molecules that get deposited in their feathers, bill, and legs. 

14- You can actually reshape some babies' ears. Some of them have a condition called idling, where the top part of the cartilage in the ear is basically folded over so the top ridge is kind of rounded over, however, there's actually a mold, called EarWell, that can change the shape of your baby's ear in approximately six weeks. 

15- There are more bicycles than people in Copenhagen, and five times as many bicycles as cars. Over 50% of city dwellers commute by bicycle and over 41% arrive at their place of work or study by bike. 

16- monkey brains are considered a delicacy in parts of South Asia, Africa, and China. They're considered an easily digestible substance often given to invalids and children, and there are even entire cookbooks dedicated to how to cook them.

17-  It takes Pluto 241 years to orbit the sun. That's because Pluto orbits at an average distance of 3.7 billion miles from the sun, while earth only orbits at 93 million miles.

18-  Octopuses will actually break off a limb as part of a fight to impress a mate or to get away from a predator. They will also eat their own arms once in a while, which some scientists believe may be due to a disease of some sort. 

19- The seven rays on the Statue of Liberty's crown stand for each of the seven continents. They each measure nine feet long and weigh as much as 150 pounds. In addition, it's overall height is 305 feet from its base, and it has a 35-foot waistline, and weighs 225 tons. 

20- Cuba has a 99.8% literacy rate, one of the highest in the whole world. 

21- When flying in a flock, Flamingos can fly as fast as 35 miles per hour. They may seem clumsy in flight, however, because their long necks stretch out in front of their bodies, and their long legs dangle well past their short tails. 

22- The first electric traffic light was installed on August 5, 1914, on the corner of Euclid Avenue and East 105th St in Cleveland, Ohio. Based on the design by James Hodge, who received the U.S. patent for his municipal traffic control system, it consisted of four pairs of red and green lights that served as stop and go indicators, each mounted on a corner post.

23- In California, there's a law that prohibits a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. Companies like Google who make autonomous cars have the technology to make them go much faster but must limit them based on this law. 

24- On September 13, 1916, the town of Erwin, Tennessee hung an elephant, nicknamed Murderous Mary because she mauled one of her keepers to death. It required a massive crane to accomplish and was done because hangings and lynchings were a popular form of justice at the time. 

25- The automotive industry used to use sperm whale oil to lubricate new cars. In fact, the stuff works so well that huge mammals were actually hunted almost to extinction, so the U.S. declared sperm whales an endangered species and switched to the new whale-free automatic transmission fluid. 

26- Believe it or not, you can determine the temperature outside by counting the chirps made by crickets. According to the farmer's almanac, to convert cricket chirps to celsius, you count the number of chirps in 25 seconds, divide by three, then add four to get the temperature. 

27- The 31st president of theUnited States, Herbert Hoover, spent none of his salary on himself, and instead gave it away to charities, or as income supplements to his associates. 

28- There's something called a moonbow or lunar rainbow that's a rainbow that can be seen at night and happens very rarely. For this to happen, a full moon is needed, it must be raining opposite to the moon, the sky must be dark, and the moon must be less than 42 degrees high.

29-  There's a law in Pacific Grove, California that prohibits the molesting of monarch butterflies. Seriously. Ordinance 11.48.010 states that it is declared to be unlawful for any person to molest or interfere with in any way the peaceful occupancy of the monarch butterfly on their annual visit to the city of Pacific Grove, and it goes on like that for several more sentences. 

30- The longest solar eclipse in the 21st century lasted six minutes and 39 seconds, and it won't be surpassed in duration until the eclipse of June 13, 2132. 

31- Venus and Uranus are the only planets that rotate clockwise. The other six planets in the solar system rotate counterclockwise. 

32- Lobsters are able to regenerate lost eyes, claws, and antennae. You can also determine the gender of a lobster by looking at its swimmerets, the small feathery appendages on the underside of its tail. The first pair of swimmerets closest to the body is hard and bony on a male and soft and feathery on a female.

33- It is illegal in Mobile, Alabama to possess confetti. It's also illegal to store, use, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, giveaway, or even handle confetti.

34-  Pope Francis broke a record when he hit one million Instagram followers within 12hours of starting the account. The previous record was set by David Beckham at one million within 24 hours. He christened the account on a Saturday with a photo of him kneeling in prayer with an accompanying message that said, "Pray for me," in nine languages.

35-  Before Samuel L. Jackson became a movie star, he was Bill Cosby's cameras and-in on The Cosby Show. Gonna touch you but with some Jell-O Pudding.

36- Leonardo da Vinci was dyslexic. Also strangely, not because of his dyslexia, he chose to write all of his notes to himself backward in mirror writing, meaning that you can only read them in the reflection of a mirror. However notes that he wrote to other people, he wrote in a normal direction.

37- In Albania, nodding your head means no, and shaking your head means yes.

38-  A human taste bud has an average lifespan of seven to 10 days. Taste bud cells undergo continual turnover, even into adulthood, but taste buds in rats last from two days to over three weeks. 

39- There were over 13 couples celebrating their honeymoon on the Titanic, however, none of them survived upon impact and the subsequent sinking of the boat. 

40- Dogs love the herb anise the same way that cats love catnip. In fact, anise is the scent of the artificial rabbit that is used in greyhound races to get the dogs to run. 

41- The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. Also known as the mandible, it's also the largest and strongest bone in the human face. 

42- Believe it or not, you consume 1/10 of a calorie by licking a U.S. stamp, but if you were to lick a stamp in Britain, it's 5.9 calories per lick and the adhesive on a larger commemorative or special British stamp contains a whopping 14.5 calories.

43- Camels actually have three eyelids to protect their eyes from blowing sand. The upper and lowereyelids have eyelashes, however there's a thirdone that's a thin membrane that they can see througheven in a sandstorm. 

44- On July 5, 1996, the first mammal ever was successfully cloned. Dolly the sheep was cloned from an adult cell at the Roslin Institute in Scotland. She was named after Dolly Parton because she was cloned from a mammary cell. Well, at least that's a better name than her codename 6LL3. Doesn't ring the same bell. 

45- Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide from 75 feet away. In fact, that's how they find their victims, specifically you.

46-  A galactic year, also known as a cosmic year is the duration of a complete rotation of the Milky Way, which is approximately 200million terrestrial years.

47-  The human aorta is the largestartery in the human body, and is about the size of a garden hose. 

48- There is a dog breed called Basenji that doesn't have the ability to bark. It can produce a yodelinghowl sound though. It's a small to medium sized,square-shaped animal that is believed to be bred intentionally without the ability to bark. 

49- Gatorade was named afterthe Florida Gators. In 1965, a team of university physicians in Florida was approached by a university of Florida's assistant football coach becausehe wanted to find out why his players were being affected by the heat and heat-related illnesses. They ended up creating the drink Gatorade that balanced carbohydrates and electrolytes. 

50- The first ever video to air on MTV was "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggles on August 1, 1981. That was over 36 years ago, and in fact, the very first original broadcastis on YouTube right now.