1. Multi-tasking is largely a self-development urban myth for all but about 2.5% of the population. You probably cannot do it efficiently no matter what manufacturers of smartphones and tablets want you to believe

2. f you lose blood flow to your brain you will last about 10 seconds before you pass out. 

3.There are over 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your brain. So if you pulled all yours out we could stretch them around the earth over 4 times 

4. The reason you can’t tickle yourself is that your cerebellum knows it’s you doing the tickling and sends a message to the rest of your brain to ignore the sensation and refuses to laugh.

 5. You are completely unaware of about 95%of the activity that is going on inside your brain. If you weren’t your brain would freeze up quicker than a Windows PC running ME.

 6. If you get really annoyed or angry your limbic system has taken over your critical thinking and it can become impossible to access higher reasoning. Which is why some people can go postal and nothing anybody can say can calm them down. Fortunately, if you remove the source of their anger the Limbic system returns to normal after about 20 minutes. So don’t count to10 when you’re mad, count to 1,200! 

7. You have a finite amount of willpower each day because to exercise your willpower you need energy in the form of oxygen and glucoseThat’s why it’s harder to say ‘no’ when you are tired or not feeling yourself.

8. A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains approximately 100,000 neurons and 1 billion synapses

9. Your sensory system sends about 11 million bits of information to your unconscious brain per second.

10. If you were to measure your brainwave activity you wouldn’t see any drop off what so ever when you’re asleep. 

11. Your brain finds it very easy to create false memories. When scientists exposed people to Photoshopped images of themselves at various event years prior they were soon able to explain what they were doing and recall the event with clarity even though they were never there. 

12. A thought is a physical pathway in the brain. The more you have that thought the more you groove and strengthen that path and the easier it is to have it again and again, so avoid negative self-abusive thoughts.

13. Your brain was disproportionately large compared to other organs when you were born. That’s why babies look a bit like aliens. Not yours, of course, yours are cute, just other people's babies. 

4. You’re about 4 times more likely to marry somebody with the same last name as yourself. And I’m not referring to marrying another member of your family. Your brain just loves familiarity even to the point of preferring people with the same name.

15. Even if you consider yourself a creative right-brained person, your brain will increase blood circulation to the left of your brain side every 90 to 120 minutes giving you a greater ability during those times to think linearly 

16. Your brain can usually tell the difference between a real smile and a fake one (which is why people that fake smiles a lot often look slimy) because there are muscles that you cannot control consciously and only come into play when you are truly smiling about something that makes you happy or warm and fuzzy.

17. Reading out loud to kids under the age of 5 accelerates their brain development and helps build neural connections. Those connections can then help with further learning as they grow older. So don’t throw your kids in front of the TV and turn on Sponge Bob Square Pants, read them stories if you want them to grow intellectually and provide for you in your old age.

18-.Until relatively recently scientists thought that the brain was the only area of the human body that didn’t generate new cells.

 19We now know that’s not true and the brain does reproduce shiny new cells for you to use. 

20 Your brain has no pain receptors which is why if I managed to remove the top of your skull without you noticing I could poke around all day without you feeling a thing.

21 The skull removal may hurt a bit though. It’s yet another self-development urban myth that we only use 10% of our brains' capability, we use it all.